Rescue your legacy codebase

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    “I just bought @nicoespeon’s Legacy Code: First Aid Kit — his newsletter is great and his tips have helped tame some code in my work at UFSC.”

    Chris Hartjes


    What you get:

    Chapter 7 of the Legacy Code: First Aid Kit that is about Incremental Refactorings.

    Ever felt that couldn't merge your changes yet, but you weren't sure how long it would take you to finish?

    This will give you a process to break down such changes into smaller bits so you can stop and ship code anytime. The process is illustrated step-by-step, with a concrete code example.

    What is it all about?

    The Legacy Code: First Aid Kit is a 200 pages e-book that details 14 techniques to deal with legacy codebases.

    These will help you prioritize what to fix, make safer changes, refactor untested code, and incrementally improve the quality of your codebase! Examples are illustrated with JavaScript code, but the concepts can be applied to most languages.

    I am Nicolas Carlo and I'm the author of 👋